
Club Rules

NOTE: In the event of any unforeseen circumstances arising, e.g. excessive numbers of entries to be judged in one evening, the Committee reserves the right to adjust the Rules accordingly

  1. Members must have paid a current season subscription to be eligible to enter Club competitions.
Club competitions are divided into three categories:
  1. Monochrome prints
  2. Colour prints
  3. Digitally Projected Images (DPIs) in monochrome or colour.
  1. Prints must be mounted on board of any shape or colour up to a maximum size of 50cm x 40cm
    Framed prints cannot be accepted.
  2. The minimum picture size is (48sq in), regardless of mount size.
  3. Each print must have the author’s name on the back and ideally the location taken. Titles are optional but recommended. All details should be written in block capitals or on printed labels.
  4. Monochrome prints include the following:
    Black and white photographs
    Single-toned photographs
  5. Colour Prints are all photographs except those defined in Rule 3.4 above.
    N.B. A ‘monochrome’ photograph modified by the addition of partial toning, or by the addition of one or more colours to any part of it, is defined as a colour print.
  6. Both monochrome and colour prints must be supported by an exact digital copy for projection on the Competition night for the benefit of Members to view on the screen. File format as per Rule 4.1. Judges will appraise the actualprint rather than the projected image. 
Digitally Projected Images (DPIs)
  1. DPIs must be in .jpg (.jpeg) format and the right way up and with maximum pixel counts of 1600 (width) x 1200  (height).
  2. Individual images must have a file name appropriate to the competition, including the year code, be titled and identified with the author’s name.
    [Note: See document Guidelines for Digital Projected Images, etc for details on how o add the correct image file name (Year code, Competition Code, author’s name and image number, and image title and generally prepare images for competition entry.]
  3. Entries must be submitted at least one week in advance (that is, at a previous meeting), either:
     On a USB memory stick – author’s name must be on a label on the stick, or:
     By email attachment sent to the digital projectionist.
  1. All entries, that is DPIs, print copy DPIs and actual prints must be submitted at least one week in advance. For all DPIs, the preferred method of submission is by email by the Thursday prior to the one week Friday deadline. Failing that, on a USB memory stick on the Friday one week before the competition. The author’s name must be on a label on the stick for identification and safe return.
  2. Mounted prints must be submitted at the Club on the prior Friday evening deadline.
All entries must originate from a photographic image or images taken by the author.
Entries may not be enhanced by use of non-original ‘clip-art’ or other material.
All work may be home or trade processed.
Number of Entries per Competition
  1. The maximum number of entries for Club Six competitions is two per Member for each category.
  2. The maximum number of entries for the Knockout & Natural History competitions is three per Member for each category. See the separate “A Guide to the Club’s Competitions” for definition of Natural History.
  3. Any one image may be shown twice only in total to the combined Club Six, Knockout and Natural History competitions. There is no time limit on the second showing. Print mounts will be date-stamped on the back; DPIs are archived on computer. Prints and DPIs which have been entered in Club Six rounds are also eligible for entry in competitions for Knockout and Natural History (if appropriate) but the twice only in total rule still applies.
  4. Any entry submitted in one category cannot be used for entry in another category at any time. If entered a second time, an image must be in the same category as the first time.
  5. Prints and digital slides may be entered once only in the Knockout & Natural History competitions.
  6. Entries for the Straight out of the Camera competition may only be used once in total.
Photo of the Year awards
  1.  Prints and digital images awarded 9½ or 10 points in the Club Six and Natural History competitions, and the winners only of the Knockout competition, will be eligible for entry into the Mono Print, Colour Print and Digital Slide of the Year competitions at the end of the season.
  1. Club Six – an appointed photographic judge will award points out of 10 for each entry in each category. Highest aggregate points at the end of the season for each category, wins. In the event of a tie, the Member with the higher no. of 10-pt awards, then 9½, etc, shall be declared the winner.
  2. Knockout – Each round, Club Members vote by raised hands for which of each pair of photographs they prefer to progress to the next round. The entry with the higher number of votes wins the tie.
  3. Natural History – an appointed photographic judge will award points out of 10 for each entry and then select his/her best photograph in each category.
  4. Prints & DPIs of the Year / Straight out of the Camera – Members vote by paper ballot for their top three photographs in each category. 1st places receive 3 points, 2nds, 2 points and 3rds, 1 point. Highest aggregate score in each category wins. In the event of a tie, the entry with the higher number of 1st places, then 2nds, then 3rds, shall be declared the winner.
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